Many wear hats to hide their helmet hair. Some sisters are just stylin as they sport scarves and or beenies...but on occasion you might see a cowboy atop someone's curly locks. It ain’t easy packing a hat that isn’t supposed to fold up. Packing heat might be simpler (Renee has bullets and a gun mounted on the side of her Harley but no hat could withstand that).
One day as the GtG ride was near, Renee (the Sol SIster web goddess) sent a notice out for the girlz to send in pictures of themselves in cowboy hats. She wanted us to adorn cowboys hats because she felt it would express our connection to Elvis. She told me the only hat she’d seen on Elvis was a cowboy hat and since the group was going to the South and through country music land it made sense to her.
Memphis is not so much country music but rather rock-a-billy yet I don’t think there is a hat for that. The girlz did ride through Texas and there you can find lots of country music and hats (my sympathies to anybody not into country music who passes through them parts).
I have a nice little hat collection myself. When I think of motorcycle ride trip the hat that come to mind is the Betty Boop police like cap. I did a search on the internet seeking images of Elvis in hats. Google showed me Elvis in a cowboy hat (must have been from one of hs movies) and a bunch of his Army pics, oh and one of him as a baby. Good thing this group isn’t taking a pilgrimage associated with someone who wore a turban as that would have been challenging to pull off.
To see a few of us in cowboy hats you can visit
My photo is from a road trip to Scottsdale, AZ when some of us dressed up in drag as characters from the Okay Corral (more on that flashback in the next blog).