Friday, July 11, 2008

You Can Leave Your Hat On

First off a quick nonsecquitor; I just got back from Vegas ! I’m sticking with that enchanting Elvis energy. A holiday in Laughlin didn’t work out for me but I did get to laugh a lot when I saw Spamalot...I worked, walked and shoppedalot. Spamalot is a must-see. It’s a somewhat updated musical (even on Broadway) version of Monty Python’s Holy Grail (for more info ....alright, back to our regularly scheduled program/blog:

Many wear hats to hide their helmet hair. Some sisters are just stylin as they sport scarves and or beenies...but on occasion you might see a cowboy atop someone's curly locks. It ain’t easy packing a hat that isn’t supposed to fold up. Packing heat might be simpler (Renee has bullets and a gun mounted on the side of her Harley but no hat could withstand that).

One day as the GtG ride was near, Renee (the Sol SIster web goddess) sent a notice out for the girlz to send in pictures of themselves in cowboy hats. She wanted us to adorn cowboys hats because she felt it would express our connection to Elvis. She told me the only hat she’d seen on Elvis was a cowboy hat and since the group was going to the South and through country music land it made sense to her.

Memphis is not so much country music but rather rock-a-billy yet I don’t think there is a hat for that. The girlz did ride through Texas and there you can find lots of country music and hats (my sympathies to anybody not into country music who passes through them parts).

I have a nice little hat collection myself. When I think of motorcycle ride trip the hat that come to mind is the Betty Boop police like cap. I did a search on the internet seeking images of Elvis in hats. Google showed me Elvis in a cowboy hat (must have been from one of hs movies) and a bunch of his Army pics, oh and one of him as a baby. Good thing this group isn’t taking a pilgrimage associated with someone who wore a turban as that would have been challenging to pull off.

To see a few of us in cowboy hats you can visit
My photo is from a road trip to Scottsdale, AZ when some of us dressed up in drag as characters from the Okay Corral (more on that flashback in the next blog).

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hats Off to my 3 Amigas

“Independence day” what does it really mean ? Most holidays are spent by most people in America celebrating a day off work and gathering with some friends/family. While I am bummed I am not riding a motorcycle to Laughlin to watch fireworks with my sisters in the wind, I am reflecting on the real inter-dependence that I can rejoice in knowing people can be angels. The real heroes are those who express universal peace and brother/sisterhood.
Trips (life) isn’t so much about getting to a certain destination as it is having the adventure and living a story to share. Motorcycles turn any traveling into an adventure. Having people support and understand your needs in a crisis brings grace and bonding to the circumstance banishing stress. My hat’s off to my three sisters who endured such an adventure at Four Corners.

They were in the true spirit of that freedom and adventure sought after in Easy Rider (classic movie). Jett, Carol, and Kaye found themselves far away from easy city life when Kaye broke her ankle at Four Corners. The logistics of: getting a call out, getting to the nearest hospital (then finding out the surgery needed on Kaye couldn’t be done there as that hospital only treats Native Americans), and going back and forth many miles to get the bikes and car, made for what will be a legend now in the motorcycle community. I think they all deserve a purple heart for what they’ve been through and how they stuck together and handled everything. You can read the details in Jett’s blog
( htt:// ).

Bikers are a breed of people that traditionally behold freedom and are bound to be angels on the asphalt. Old School bikers may seem scary to the average folk but their loyalty to humanity is beyond any political party, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic heritage, etc. And on this Independence Day I wonder if the new riders, those ones that are now acquiring motorcycles in order to save money on gas will realize the nation of nomads and rebels yet heart centered adventurers they are joining on the interstate of interdependence.

PS-- an interesting and thought provoking yahoo group called Biker’s Independent Party has some ideas on freedom and “progressive politics” for our country. You can check it out at

PPS- The next blog might be more about actual “hats” so stay tuned-- did Elvis really wear a hat and if so why would he wear a cowboy hat ?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Laughlin -- a Road Less Traveled

You know what they say how to make God laugh...tell him your plans...

I was thinking about going to Sedona to meet up with Sol Sisters (Girlz who had gone to Graceland) then riding to Laughlin with them. I was afraid that if I went to Sedona I might be frustrated when everyone went to eat at McDonald’s.

Red rocks, vortices's, hiking, yoga, swimming holes, good places to eat such as their Indian restaurant, or the Thai place, plus some cool cafes, art gallaries, etc.-- all stuff I usually partake in while in Sedona. I didn’t want to ride all the way there and not get to do some of the things I like to do there. I could ride there on my own lateron in the summer so I decided to conserve my energy and plan to meetup in Laughlin for a relaxing couple days and celebrate the fourth of July. My plan was to ride to Laughlin on the 3rd and meetup with Sol Sisters/GtG (catching up with their itinerary).

Ever since I got home Tuesday June 24th, I’ve been looking forward to getting back on the road again and rejoining the Girlz. A few days ago I sent an email out to the group asking if anybody was willing to let me crash in their room on the fourth. The only hotel with a room still available was $300. so I was hoping for a roommate to come forth. However, the email replies I got back changed everything.

It seems the group had split up and along with the disbanding of the GtG,
the plans for spending 4th of July in Laughlin was abandon as well !
Reading between the lines I can only imagine everyone was getting burnt out and less anxious to follow the designated route; more anxious to go straight home.

I’m always shocked when people decide things and fail to consult me ! The whole world is operating on this level-- hardly anybody consults me before they make plans, change plans, etc. What’s with that ? If only president Bush would have consulted me on certain events.

I’m bummed I am not going to get to celebrate the fourth by meeting up with GtG. This holiday weekend the road to and from Luaghlin shall be less traveled.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Supersize Me -- the Motorcycle Version ?

No, the title doesn’t mean we’re all getting bigger bikes (although that usually happens after awhile). The caption for this blog is a commentary on the fact that GtG seemed to be going to McDonald’s way more then I could have expected. At the McDonald’s in New Mexico I was really beginning to wonder if the documentary that was being done on us was really a sequel to Morgan Spurlock’s movie Super Size Me.

I know a lot of people make a habit of going to McDonald’s when on the road (or even when not) because it is always fast, easy to find and if you’ve been there before you know what you like there (or got used to something there). All these factors enable you to be more in a comfort zone about being in an unfamiliar territory as you try to stay on course on you trek. I get it...but for me, I’m on the road for adventure and experiencing new places that I cannot see at home.

I can always go to a McDonald’s . Actually I pretty much avoid them as there is nothing there for me except on rare occasion I am traveling with others and they wish to stop there-- then if I’m lucky I get the toy from a happy meal !

What I usually do when I ride alone is ask a local where the closest ethnic joint to eat is.
Nowadays just about every town has a mexican and or chinese restaurant. I really like “mom & pop” places as I like knowing where my money is going. Being self employed I have sympathy for small business owners and I appreciate their hard work and unique recipes, atmosphere, and or getting to meet them in person when I eat at their place.

In Dateline we got such royal treatment because the owner/wife of the place saw a bunch of motorcycle women stumbling in from the extreme heat. She offered to soak all our cooling vests (lightweight guilt vests designed to soak up and hold cold water) and bandanas in cold water for us while we ate lunch. She let us park our bikes on the sidewalk so they could be in the shade. The average corporate chain eatery wouldn’t do such things.

I’d rather give my liver a chance to smile at hospitality then be exposed to the smells and ideas of foods I don’t like. I was vegan for awhile and I really feel that it was ideal in many ways but since I had radiation I’ve been eating some cheese as my body is so depleted from the disease and more so the chemo. It is a tough balance; ideals, the planet, survival needs, comfort cravings, the company of others and all their needs.

Back to Morgan Spurlock, I met him a couple years ago. My yoga school and Complementary Medicine center/clinic ( YogaWell & Institute of Progressive Therapies ) had a booth at the Body-Mind-Spirit Expo ( ) in San Diego. There were lectures and workshops going on and I was the opening act for Morgan. My colleagues and I gave a workshop on yoga therapy just before Morgan gave the keynote address.

I told Morgan he should do a documentary on motorcycling. I was half kidding. Turns out he and his girlfriend Alex (now wife) ride !