Saturday, June 21, 2008

Leaving Dodge...not being here now !

It's almost 5:30am and I just got done packing the bike (spent the last 18 minutes on it) ! Supposed ot be meeting the gang at McD's by 6am to bless bikes...

I'm gonna tag a long for 1-2 days at best and come home next week. Instead of getting chemo Monday I'll be on the road somewhere in the southwest on a scooter (borrowing a friends Yamaha since I don't ytrust myself on my Indian until I get mor ein shape and my strength back).

I keep starring at the map and wonder how I'm gonna pull this off...I do feel better (finally) but I'm out of shape and haven't ridden more then a few miles since 2006...the heat and rain might be hard on me...I'll try not to push myself yet that is one of the glories of long distance ride.

never thought I'd be riding a Yamaha...or meet anybody at McD's.....


Laura Horton said...

Enjoy your journey my friend and my thoughts are with you. I'll be looking in on your adventure. Happy trails!

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you out on the road, and wishing you a great ride. May the Goddess ride with you!
Love, Claudia